Chris Orlassino
A computer engineer passionate in machine learning, game development, and problem solving.
Predicting Partisanship from Twitter
A Python-based project which attempts to classify a congressperson's political ideology based on features extracted from Twitter
This project was completed solely by Chris Orlassino in two months
The project report is linked here:
project report
Briefly, there are four labels for classification: far left, center left, center right, far right
These quadrants are derived by analyzing DW-NOMINATE, which is a generally-accepted metric of partisanship used by political scientists:
The Python libraries Scrapy and Selenium were used to scrape a list of each congressperson and their Twitter account
The Twitter dev API was used to extract features from their Twitter accounts
The first feature set relies on the users which the congressperson follows: the 50 most common overall are the feature set:
A Bernoulli naive Bayes classifier rendered a 65% accuracy, and 93% accuracy when only classifying left/right
The second feature set relies on sentiment analysis of certain keywords
Due to API limits, only two keywords could be observed. They were chosen to be "Trump" and "Biden":
A multinomial naive Bayes classifier rendered a 62% accuracy, and 95% accuracy when only classifying left/right
62% is good accuracy for only having two features; good proof of concept
With higher API access, more keywords could be analyzed to split homogenous clusters as shown above